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Well deserved

I am pleased to pass on the word that Mrs. CTBlue will be among the Ella Grasso Women’s Leadership Honorees honored at an awards breakfast on the 27th at the Aqua Turf restaurant in Plantville. (Why, do the folks from the interior think it’s appropriate to make us hicks get up at an ungodly hour to attend these things?). Those who know us know that, while I bloviate freely, my wife is the member of the pair that actually gets things accomplished. She, along with a number of other dedicated women (and they are all women) have transformed the Groton Democrats into a dynamic organization. I can take some small amount of credit for the award, however, since I drafted the submission to state central in support of her nomination. As the poet almost said, “They also serve who only sit and blog”.

If you can’t make it to Plantville (or don’t want to shell out the fifty dollar “donation”), consider coming to Drinking Liberally (which she co-founded) tomorrow to congratulate her, and drink a toast to her and the other honorees. Early indications are that turnout will be good. 6:30 PM at the Bulkeley House, Bank Street in New London.

UPDATE: Seems I’ve been misunderstood by some. I didn’t nominate my wife for the award. I simply volunteered to put together a narrative of her activities. Sorry if I didn’t convey that, though I thought I did.