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Am I Wrong Yet?

A few months ago I wrote the following about how the Democrats would blow the great tax cut debate:

Here is what will happen. The Blue Dog Democrats, among whom are many recruited by Rahm Emanuel, will undermine the narrative in the House, and join a unanimous Republican caucus to extend the tax breaks, assuming Nancy Pelosi doesn’t pull an embarrassing about face and pull it from the floor. But she won’t do that, because the Republicans, without a hint of embarrassment, aided and abetted by the media that has never had a problem with Republican obstruction, will demand an up or down vote, because that’s the democratic way.

After the tax cut passes the House, it must pass the Senate, where, surely, one would think, even if it gets to the floor, there would at least be 41 Democrats with spine enough to filibuster it. But no, the Republicans, without a hint of embarrassment, aided and abetted by the media that has never had a problem with Republican obstruction, will demand an up or down vote, because that’s the democratic way.

The Democrats will cave, and the Republicans will get their tax break for the rich. Perhaps Obama will veto it, but don’t bet on it. Remember, this is the Bush tax cut for the rich, which will expire if Congress does nothing, which is precisely what Congress will not do. The Democrats will allow themselves to be manipulated into making this massive transfer from the middle class to the rich permanent.

Fondly did I hope, fervently did I pray, that I would be proven wrong, but so far, no such luck. I’m probably wrong on some of the process specifics, but on the larger picture, unfortunately, I’m spot on so far.

Republicans are honing their unified message that will, no doubt, unopposed as it will be, persuade a confused nation of the necessity of a plan that is now politically unpopular and will forever be economically disastrous.

Meanwhile, Democrats such as Connecticut’s own Jim Himes are trampling all over what should be a winning narrative for Democrats . Himes, like many of his Democratic compadres, is simply lying when he asserts that a broad swath of economists feel the tax cuts for the rich should be continued. Thus does he add insult to the folks who put him there while he injures just about everybody. But, of course, he’s a dedicated progressive next to the Blue Dogs who are trying to one up the Republicans by giving the rich tax breaks even the Republicans aren’t requesting.

The only question that remains: Will Obama stick to his recently announced position (so far he is, but we’ve heard that before), or “compromise” by giving the Republicans everything they want?

Stay tuned, but I predict it won’t be pretty.

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