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Apple: rotten to the core?

My RSS feeds come in two basic flavors: politics and computers. The computer feeds are heavily concentrated on things Apple. I bought a Mac about seven years ago and have never looked back. Back then, Apple was still a relatively bit player in the computer world, and besides getting better technology and software, you could also delude yourself into thinking you were supporting the little guy against big, bad Microsoft.

Alas, even that delusion can no longer be indulged. Today, my computer feeds are all abuzz about the joint announcement by Apple and the News Corporation (i.e., Rupert Mudoch, i.e., Fox) of the release of a (for now) IPad only daily newspaper. Murdoch has the ability to sell his Ipad publication by subscription, something no other publisher can do. So, the former foe of the Microsoft evil empire has joined up with the far more evil Rupert Murdoch. Of course the tech savvy but ideologically blind tech writers don’t even discuss the ideological slant of this new publication, but can there be any doubt?

Meanwhile Bill Gates is curing polio. Are there no eternal verities in this modern world?

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