It has been brought to my attention that the former head of the Selfish Voters of Groton Long Point PAC has launched a broadside against John Scott in a letter to the Editor of the New London Day. It was printed on Saturday, but I hadn’t heard about it until today. Diane Marley is upset with Jon because he refused to take his marching orders from the PAC:
Jon Scott lobbied the Groton Good Government PAC two years ago for its endorsement. Mr. Scott told the PAC everything it wanted to hear. After the election his views changed and he did everything in his power to discredit the PAC. I am happy to say he was quite unsuccessful.
Mr. Scott is on the council for one reason only, and that is for personal gain, which is likely the reason he wears his company’s logo on his shirt every day he sits on the council. Mr. Scott has trouble recognizing the difference between fact and fiction. Please look at the voting record and his flip-flopping on the issues for the last two years.
I don’t have a dog in this hunt, actually. Jon is a Republican, and although he is a nice guy, that R after his name permanently disqualifies him from a CTBlue endorsement. According to Diane he is a dishonest politician, in that she thought she had bought him, and he refused to stay bought, in that he had the temerity to vote his conscience instead of their bidding. A little more perspective might be gained by reading this post on my old blog.
I should add, for the benefit of my non-Groton readers, and for that matter some of those from Groton, that there is, in fact, an election going on right now, though you’d never know it. If every Dem running for Town Council wins, we’ll still be in the minority. The Republicans are only slightly better numbers wise, since they have seven candidates. There’s not much prospect for change from the dull, but honest, government we’ve had. If we can hope for anything it’s that more members of the Council will declare their independence from Marley and her cohorts.
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