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The choice in 2012, and all you need to know about tonight’s speech

We will have a choice between a candidate that wants to hand everything over to the banks and one who favors letting the rest of us get some crumbs off the table (knowing full well the other guys won’t let us have the crumbs, and knowing full well he won’t fight terribly hard to get them for us). Tonight we’ll be hearing about the crumbs, and we’ll keep hearing about them until the day after the election, after which, he’ll either find a way to be “forced” by the bad guys into giving the banks a bit more, and the rest of us a lot less, or step aside and let his successor really screw us.

This blogging stuff isn’t as much fun as it used to be. When I started there was hope, for change, because we could do it. There was even a guy running for president who told us we could, and, I know it was a long time ago, but if you try real hard you’ll remember that a lot of us believed him.

Hope springs eternal however. We may go down, but we should go down fighting for small victories, if that’s all we can get. The banks will be bankrolling Obama (and his opponent), so my pittance will be going to Elizabeth Warren, should she decide to run.

UPDATE: Well, I’ll be damned. Obama apparently came out swinging. But I stand by my prediction, it’s for votes only. Once he’s safely re-elected (and I still think he will be) he’ll “compromise” and get nothing.

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