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So many suckers, so little time

Another chapter in the ongoing saga of Republican grifters. Republican/Fascist sheriff Joe Arpaio is investigating Obama’s birth certificate (any bets on what his conclusion will be?) with the help of allegedly renowned volunteer investigator, Michael Zullo, who, with the help of veteran grifter Jerome Corsi, has written a book to soak the rubes that still cling to the desperate hope that their firmly held belief that black people are ineligible for the presidency can somehow be legally established, at least in the present case.

Zullo’s book was co-authored by Jerome Corsi, a writer for the conservative website WorldNetDaily who has been hawking the notion of a phony birth certificate for years. Corsi published his own book last year called “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President.”

Corsi also took part in last week’s news conference and said he fed information and documents to investigators.

He told the Phoenix TV station that he and Zullo are splitting the profits from the new book, which is similarly titled “A Question of Eligibility: A Law Enforcement Investigation into Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate and His Eligibility to be President.” Neither Arpaio nor the sheriff’s office would be making any money from the book, he said.

“Since he’s a volunteer, Mike owns his work product and as such, he’s permitted to utilize that work product for compensation,” Corsi told the news station.

Far be it from me to wish Corsi well, but as he’s going to spend his time smearing some Democrat, I heartily approve of him staying on the trail of the phony birth certificate and relieving the rubes of money that might otherwise go to real political campaigns. Someone, and apparently no one knows who, once said that there’s a sucker born every minute. Luckily, most of them grow up to be Republicans.

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