At the moment I’m rereading the Hitchhiker’s Guide series, sandwiching each silly installment between works of non-fiction. This post is about the latest slice of, shall we say, literary meat between the tasty bread baked by Douglas Adams.
Despite the title, this is not really a book review, as I’ll content myself to pointing to this review, which appears to be a pretty good take, based on what I’ve read so far.
Regular readers of this blog, should such exist, will know that I am a proponent of Northern secession. The book in question, Chuck Thompson’s Better off Without ‘Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession, takes a slightly different approach, suggesting that we should open the door we shut in 1865 and invite the South out. The net effect being the same, I find myself in agreement with Mr. Thompson. The book is fun, precisely because he vents at just the right targets in just the right way. Since the South in general, and now racists, religionists, anti-intellectuals, homophobes and country music fans, have successfully cast themselves as victims, it is considered taboo to subject them to the vitriol to which we here in the North are freely subjected by the very hypocrites who depend on our tax outflows to preserve their deluded belief that they are small government self sufficient patriots. Thompson will have none of it, so it’s a fun read that makes some serious points.