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Fact free zones

According to the press no politician, particularly a Democratic politician, ever does something because it’s the right thing to do. Many of us believe that Chris Dodd saved the Constitution, at least temporarily, yesterday, but the AP knows best:

While his Democratic rivals campaigned in Iowa and New Hampshire, Sen. Christopher Dodd took to the Senate floor on Monday in hopes of pumping new energy into his presidential bid.

Dodd, D-Conn., spoke for several hours, seeking to block a bill that would shield telecommunications companies from lawsuits for their actions helping the government tap American communications after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

No doubt, all about presidential politics. But this is a twofer. First they degrade the actions of a real hero, then they lie about the issue. The companies weren’t “helping the government tap American communications after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks”. They were helping the government wiretap communications before the terrorist attacks. If the reporter was unaware of this fact, he had no business writing this story.

UPDATE: Chris Dodd thanks the troops for their support:


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