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Happy belated birthday to this blog

I have now been writing this blog a little over 3 years, having started on January 15, 2005. The idea at the time was that it would be an adjunct to a newly forming chapter of DFA. That never worked out, but I soldiered on, as it helped me work through the depression of the recent election.

It seems like a long time ago. George Bush had just come out with his hubristic plan to destroy social security. It was the beginning of the end for him as a president with any base of support. It was also the beginning of an at least partial takeover of the Democratic party by the grassroots. Had it not been for us, the Democrats would have caved on Social Security. They were ready to do so until they started getting messages loud and clear from the folks back home. I firmly believe Bush would have gotten his way if we had trusted our elected representatives to do their jobs to protect Social Security. I also firmly believe that the Democratic victory in 2006 can be traced in a straight line from the grassroots refusal to allow the Democrats to cave on that issue.

Since then I must have written a couple of thousand posts. Most of the time it’s fun, but there are days that it’s hard to do, or I really have trouble thinking of things to write about. On those days, my training at Our Lady of Sorrows grammar school kicks in. When the joy of writing isn’t enough, guilt drives me forward.

On this belated birthday I want to thank those of you who stop by regularly, or even irregularly. It truly is humbling to know that there are people who take the time to read these ravings. I’m looking forward to the fourth birthday, when we will hopefully be celebrating the impending inauguration of a new Democratic president, with an enhanced majority in Congress, and a junior senator from Connecticut relegated to a legislator’s limbo. If that’s not how it turns out, then I may have no choice but to keep doing this for another four years.