Labor Day approaches, a day to honor the working person, who, nowadays, increasingly labors for the sheer emotional satisfaction work can bring, considering that the fruits of his or her labor increasingly go to the capitalist or the CEO. And surely labor can be its own reward, but when, increasingly, one's labor becomes more and more unrewarding, what can anyone do but exercise the right of every American to complain and blame his problems on someone (or everyone) else.
I have been writing this blog since the beginning of 2005, and it has sometimes been a labor of love, but lately it has been much labour lost. What left but to complain and blame someone else, namely Republicans, who, we all know, are to blame for everything.
Posting has been light of late. Partly this is due to personal factors; vacations, houseguests, etc., but also due to a decline in appropriate subject matter, or, more accurately, a decline in subject matter that can provoke original thought, for what's the point of repetition, particularly when you're talking mostly to yourself anyway. My iPad is littered with un-posted stuff that doesn't even measure up to the low standards of this blog.
When I started, the idiotization of the Republican Party was a newly recognized phenomenon, if not exactly a new phenomenon, dating as it does from the election of Saint Ronald. Pointing it out, skewering idiot Republicans, and mocking their hypocrisy and corruption was fun, because I sort of got in at the beginning, when a reasonably high percentage of the American people were just catching on to what was going on in the party of Lincoln (he who spins in his grave). One felt one was performing something of a public service by pointing out the hypocrisy, stupidity, irrationality and corruption that is at the center of the Republican Party. But all of that has been said a million times, and what's worse, modern Republican politicians are becoming such caricatures that analysis is useless. Has a Republican made a statement lately that makes no sense, flies in the face of well established science, reveals his or her status as a corporate pawn, or is saturated with bigotry? Is water wet?
Sure, there's always the beltway media, corporate Democrats, religious fundamentalists and the Catholic Church. But the same reasoning applies, though I admit not enough has been written to expose our PR pope. I miss Joe Lieberman. He was always good for some fresh invective. Don't get my wrong, I'm not blaming those folks for my woes. It's an article of faith here that Republicans are at fault for everything, but they're not helping. I mean, why even bother to skewer assholes like David Gregory?
Anyway, tomorrow is a day set aside to honor the poorly compensated drudges that 99.9% of us have become. Spare a thought for the uncompensated blogger, who struggles to mock a world so obviously gone mad that comment is superfluous.
Don't get your hopes up though. I intend to soldier on.
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