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Friday night Zappa

A couple of days ago I thought I’d try to find some Frank Zappa for a Friday night concert. What brought Frank to mind was this post on Americablog, that featured this video appearance of Frank on Crossfire.


He makes them all look sort of stupid, doesn’t he?

Zappa was a musical genius, but he’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and the pickings on youtube, though many in number, are rather sparse from a musical variety point of view. I’m no prude, but I’m not interesting in offending, so some of the classic stuff is sort of off limits. Then there’s the bizarre, such as the clip here of a very young and conservatively coiffed Zappa on the Steve Allen Show playing the bicycle. Yes, you read that right. Steve actually had Zappa on for almost 15 minutes (the video is in two parts). I finally settled on this, which features some great guitar playing.
