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Hillary speaks, says nothing

So, I read here that HIllary got pissed at a questioner who asked her if she would stop taking money from the oil industry, when she doesn’t get any money from the oil industry, but it just so happens that lots of her contributors work there. The oil industry only gives to her PAC, and that’s entirely different.

But that’s not what this post is about. This post is about the fact that, if we didn’t know her backstory, we could never haves the slightest idea, judging by what comes out of her mouth, what she will do as president. The linked article goes on to contrast her position on fossil fuel extraction on public lands with Bernie’s position on the same issue. Bernie is against it, by the way, and has said so. Here’s Hillary:

Public lands in Nevada and across the West provide a wide range of benefits, from open spaces for recreation to resources that support grazing, energy production, and other uses. It is vital that the priorities, needs, and vision of local communities help shape the management of America’s public lands, and I would work to improve and support local, state, and federal collaboration. – See more at:

Well, that tells us all we need to know, doesn’t it? This is the person who started her candidacy by conducting a “listening tour”, her way of telling us that we may know what we want, but she knows what we need. But she won’t be telling us until she’s safely elected. 

In a way she’s a bit like Trump. No one, perhaps even Trump, knows what he would actually do if he became president. He’s just keeping the customers satisfied until he closes the sale. With Hillary, it’s not that we don’t have an awfully good idea of what she’ll do as president, it’s just that we could never judge by listening to what she says on the campaign trail.

Having said all this, let me hasten to disabuse all of the notion that I may be one of those doctrinaire Bernie people who would refuse to vote for her if she’s the one left standing. I will, but I’ll do so knowing that I’m delivering the country once more into the hands of Wall Street and that she will do little to nothing to address the two most pressing problems we have: climate change and inequality. Unfortunately, this may be our last chance to get it right on both scores.

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