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What? Me a snob?

I just spent some time doing my Charter Revision Commission homework, so I’m politicked out for now. I will turn then, to an earth shaking question, raised at The Unofficial Apple Weblog: Are Mac owners snobs?

TUAW cites someone’s research to that effect, which research also notes that Mac owners are more likely:

to be perfectionists
to use notebooks
to use teeth whitening products
to drive station wagons
to pay for downloaded music
to go to Starbucks
care about “green” products and the environment
to own a hybrid car
and last but not least … to buy 5 pairs of sneakers in a year

They are also more likely to be liberal (according to the study).

It is not clear whether Mac owners are universally snobby, or whether their snobbishness is restricted to their status as Mac owners. Personally, I question the research. As Muhammad Ali pointed out (or was it Dizzy Dean?), “It’s not bragging if you can back it up”. These researchers appear to have failed to take into account the fact that we Mac persons may in fact be (make that “are in fact”) right about our computers, as we are about our politics and our environmental awareness (ignore, if you will the teeth whiteners and sneakers, neither of which apply to yours truly, unless they count toothpaste). We’re not snobs, we’re just justifiably proud of having made the right computer choice and we want everyone to know it.

I for one refuse to believe that we Mac owners are any different than say, deluded Dell owners or Windows users, who probably think their own choice of computer/operating system (like their more conservative political positions, hatred for the environment and dirty teeth) signifies their own superiority. It’s just that we’re right and they’re wrong.

Finally, it is a base canard to say or imply that we Mac owners are obsessed by all things Apple. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to perusing my Mac related newsfeeds.