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Have they no shame?

We learn today that people who allegedly have brains are seriously suggesting that Jodi Rell would make a fine vice-president. Recall, if you will, that the Constitution provides that, should the president die, the vice-president becomes president. Connecting the dots, that means that in the likely event McCain dies in office (and someone notices) Rell would become president.

Perhaps it should not come as a surprise that the party that gave us a president as stunningly incompetent as the current White House occupant, or a vice president as evil as the person who currently bears the title, could give us a potential president so totally and gloriously unworthy of the office. Then again, it’s not the puppet that counts, it’s the person who’s pulling the strings.

The amazing thing, the stunning thing, is that in reality she would be an improvement over what we have now, but being better than the worst ever is hardly a recommendation for high office.

After reading the article to which I link above, it occurred to me that, rather than lusting after tax returns, the press should demand full disclosure of all IQ results for potential presidents.

Imagine. Lisa Moody one heartbeat and an empty head away from the presidency. The mind boggles.

No Connecticut related story would be complete without a stupid statement from a stupid Democrat, and this one is no exception. James Amann, the deluded Lieberman lover who thinks he stands a chance to replace Rell’s empty head with his own, had this to say:

House Speaker James Amann, D-Milford, said while he will be supporting the Democratic ticket in November, having Rell on the Republican ticket with McCain would be good for the state. Amann recently announced the formation of an exploratory committee for his potential run for the governor’s office.

“Rell is a very popular governor in Connecticut, and a ticket of diversity certainly wouldn’t hurt the Republicans,” he said. “If chosen, it would be an honor for the state.”

Golly Jim, Connecticut is still trying to live down the last person from our fair state who ran for vice-president. Do we really need to let the whole country know that we have a governor who, with a little training, might be competent to work in a day care center?

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