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It’s time for her to go

Josh Marshall links to this article at the Politico that argues that the press has been complicit in pushing a narrative that Hillary Clinton still has a chances to win the nomination. In this morning’s Times, even that narrative appears to be crumbling. Bill Richardson’s endorsement is likely the first in a cascade of endorsements from super delegates, who recognize the need for this battle to be over, to allow Obama to pivot and face McCain.

Wouldn’t it be nice to see Hillary put her country (and, incidentally her party) first and leave with her head high? We have an uncommitted superdelegate here in the Second, our own Joe Courtney. Maybe it’s time for Joe to get on board the Obama train, no matter which of the two he would actually prefer. We need to circle the wagons around our eventual candidate. That candidate, it now seems clear, will be Barack Obama. So long as Hillary is out there it will be more difficult for Obama to deal with the Swift boating he is currently enduring.