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A blogger’s woes in the era of the Very Stable Genius

Back in the long ago days when we spent our time blogging about the loathsome Joe Lieberman, GWB, and the rest of them, you could normally wait until the evening to post some words of wisdom about the current state of affairs. Things are moving way to fast these days, and unless you are constantly at the keyboard, it’s impossible to say anything that hasn’t been said before. Not just once, but a million times.

Consider this. It turns out, (and who could have predicted it ?) that the person behind the bombings was precisely who we thought it would be. A white male Trumper.Could it have been a person of any other description? Not just any white male Trumper. He’s a guy who plastered his van with threats against the folks who have been receiving those bombs.

A few minutes ago I pinboarded the above link and figured that in a short while I’d post something predicting that the conspiracy theories would seen be flying on the right, and, that most likely, Fox would find a way to excuse this guy. After all, white guys who do criminal things can generally be forgiven due to mental illness or the misery attendant upon being a loner, whereas the rare person of color who commits such a crime has done so because, as a person of color, they are inherently evil.

Anyway, within minutes I saw that the conspiracy theorizing has begun.This is the type of thing that trickles up these days. We’ve seen Republicans who are supposedly responsible buying into ridiculous conspiracy theories, so we can expect them to be buying into one or more of the theories percolating up from the whackjobosphere (I just made up that word, but I am giving it away for free). 

Okay, it wouldn’t have been a particularly original insight anyway, but still, couldn’t they have waited until the ink dried on the guy’s booking sheet?

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