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An open letter to the New London Day

First, let me congratulate you on your recent addition of rightwing radio jock Lee Elci to your stable of regular columnists. This is yet another milestone in your years long effort to offer a wide range of opinions among your columnists, which opinions now range along a continuum from pundits who sometimes put their toes a smidgen to the left over the ever rightward floating media location of “centrism” to the extreme right, where the likes of Elci dwell.

I would like to propose that you think about adding yet another columnist to your stable: me. Adding me to the mix would widen the continuum all the way to the extreme left. Well, at any rate, to what’s considered the extreme left by the pundits you currently feature. Consider the radical stuff upon which I would opine:

  • I believe that Medicare for All is a good idea. Pretty radical right? I’ll bet none of your other pundits would even touch that, since everyone knows that a progressive idea supported by at least 60% of the country doesn’t bear discussing.
  • I believe in facts and learning from history. For instance, despite assurances from Republicans that this time a tax cut for the rich will result in more tax revenue, I continue to believe that it won’t, based merely on the historical record, basic economic theory, arithmetic, and common sense. You have to admit that’s pretty radical and would make me a perfect far left commentator to add to your stable.
  • Even more radically, I don’t believe in false equivalence. I don’t believe that a Democratic congressperson who danced. when she was in college is as morally bankrupt as an entire political party that has, since 1968, based its strategy for success on exploiting and fomenting racism and hatred and is now passively allowing a racist Russian puppet to destroy our democracy. No David Brooks I!


There are countless other ways in which my wild eyed rationality would place me far to the left of your other columnists, which would provide much needed balance to your opinion pages.

Another way in which I’m sure to differ from your present columnists is that I’m likely to establish a record of being proven mostly right about the issues about which, and politicians about whom, I choose to comment. I know that being right is far from an occupational requirement for pundits, but it can’t hurt, can it? As you may know, I have been writing a blog for something like 14 years and I’d invite you to compare my prescience with that of, say, David Brooks or Bill Kristol, not to mention people like Lee Elci. As one small example, I can produce witnesses who will testify that I predicted in 2012, after Obama was re-elected, that the next Republican candidate would be a whackjob. Got it right, didn’t I!

Really, after re-reading the foregoing, I can’t see how you can turn me down. Please let me know when you want me to start and what days my column will run. So far as pay is concerned, I’ll take whatever you’re giving Elci.

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