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What if Obama had done this, Episode Infinity (Plus One)

According to the AP article as headlined by the New London Day “Trump Flies high in ‘Salute to America’”, the subtitle reading “Staying on script, he honors the military; protestors say Fourth should be about unity”. The substance of the article is basically more of the same. The paper of record (that being the New York Times) has a similar article. I could find no mention in either of the fact that the Idiot in Chief said this:


Please note that it isn’t just the airports, which has (deservedly) gotten most of the attention on the internet. Just about ever fact in this video clip is untrue. The Revolutionary army was not named after George Washington and the Fort McHenry incident did not take place during the revolution. If Trump was sticking to the script, the script writers should be fired. More likely, the problem stems from a combination of his inability to read and his senescence, along with his general ignorance. (As an aside, why is it news that Trump allegedly stuck to a script. Isn’t that the least we can expect from an American president?)

Make no mistake, had Obama said any one of these things the grey lady would have taken immediate and prominent notice, as would the AP, and the blather on Fox would go on for weeks. (Incidentally, I’m curious as to whether the folks at Fox will try to put lipstick on this pig, or just ignore it. If lipstick, it will have to go on very thick and red.)

This is yet another step in the normalization of this “presidency”. The press merely looks the other way whenever this sort of thing happens. The headlines should have read: “Trump makes fool of himself on Fourth”, or something to like effect. You know.., the truth.

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