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A shock: Republicans continue to be Republicans

I have been totally bewildered by the raft of blog posts and news articles proclaiming that John Bolton’s book excerpt changes everything! Even if it did, the Republicans would find a way to ignore it. For once, though, they’re telling the truth when they say it adds nothing to the case. There is already ample evidence in the record establishing that Trump held American aid hostage to his own interests. Bolton’s testimony would merely confirm that. It was also laughable to speculate that somehow this would increase the pressure on Republicans to allow testimony at the impeachment trial. Consider the following:

A. No matter what, the Republicans are going to vote to acquit Trump. This is an absolute given.

B. Allowing testimony would simply make them look worse than they already look and would cost them even more votes in the November election.

Therefore, it follows as the night the day that they will vote against hearing from witnesses. This was always a given, and it remains so. They don’t want to hear more evidence, because they know that any additional evidence will simply make Trump’s guilt, already proven beyond a reasonable doubt, so much more obvious that even some Fox viewers might see through the bullshit.It is truly amazing that some somewhat leftish bloggers have joined the media, which is forever expecting that principled Republican to appear out of nowhere, in speculating that this development will make the slightest bit of difference.

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