Yesterday I posted a video of David Sirota’s talk at the R.J. Julia Bookstore, and today like magic I have a comment from the store’s marketing manager. While I’m sure his comment was posted for strictly disinterested reasons, it did remind me that I should have put in a plug for R.J. Julia’s, which is a great little independent bookstore. If you’re a book fan like me, you probably agree that, whatever their convenience, the Borders and Waldenbooks can’t compare to a good independent bookstore. There are some bookstores where you can just tell that the owner is sympatico with you on some level, and that the person running the store feels that books are more than mere commodities. (It also helps if the left wing books are prominently displayed and the latest Ann Coulter is either nowhere to be found, or tucked away in obscurity) Here in Groton we have a pretty good bookstore in Mystic (Bank Square Books), but I have to give R.J. Julia’s the prize, at least between the two. Besides that, downtown Madison is a pretty neat place, a bit reminiscent of downtown Mystic before it went completely tourist, which reminds me, speaking of bookstores, of the late, lamented Other Bookstore, which graced downtown Mystic in the Seventies.
In any event, and before I get completely off track, if you get a chance check out R.J. Julia’s. It’s worth a trip, and besides books there’s good eating and ice cream in Madison.