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The Big Dog Writes to Me

And a lot of other folks of course. The email found its way to my inbox this morning. Here’s the gist:

That’s why we need your help. Giving to the DSCC will allow us to recruit great candidates, build winning campaigns and make sure President Obama has the votes he needs to enact the policies that will make a real difference in the lives of all Americans. And if you give by Sept. 30, every dollar you give will be matched.

He doesn’t say who’ll do the matching. Maybe Health Care industry lobbyists.

Now, this is not a knock on Bill. But if there is any organization in the world that I am less inclined to support at the moment, it’s the DSCC. We have 59 senators. We’ll have 60 in a few days. We will be no closer to controlling the Senate than we were when the Republicans were in charge. How many do we have to elect? Exactly what has the Senate done recently to help Obama pass his policies. Seems to me the Democrats in the Senate are far more willing to oppose this president than they ever were to oppose Bush.

And when we, those who care about progressive (dare I use the “L” word?) policies, fund the campaigns that produce these new Senators, the first thing they do to establish their bona fides in the Village is to demonstrate that they don’t listen to a damn thing we say. Even Obama, who benefitted immensely from the blogosphere, recently went out of his way to paint all blogs as irresponsible purveyors of misinformation.

Why should I contribute to elect another Max Baucus, or Blanche Lincoln? They neither walk the walk NOR talk the talk. At least the Republicans walk the right wing walk, as ataxic as the resultant gait may be. All we’re asking for is a little bit of rationality, what we get is senators like Mary Landrieu opposing the public option because it might hurt the insurance companies.