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Category Archives: Rants

Yet another rant

Sometimes I think elected Democrats are subjected to some sort of brain damage on their way to assuming office. This article at the New London Day sort of set me off: As Connecticut municipalities bear the financial load of early voting, legislative leaders and state officials are split over whether the state should help fund […]

Rant of the Day

I don’t have a television, and even if I did I doubt that I’d spend much time watching the television “news” shows, but I think my general impression is correct. The more of a whackjob you are as a Congressperson, the more chance you have of getting yourself on television. Latest example I’ve run across […]

One law for me, another for thee

This story (more here and here) hasn’t gotten much mainstream attention, so far as I know, but it presages a monumental change in the law. There will soon be, if there not already is, one set of laws for the right and another for the left, one set of laws for right wing “Christians” and […]

Am I being nit picky?

Very well then I’m being nit picky. (For those who don’t get the reference, I’m riffing off Walt Whitman) To get back to the nits. Crooks and Liars has a post up in which they report on an interview with Nancy Pelosi in which she ably excoriates the stable genius for his latest spewings about […]

Biden does it again

It’s my understanding that there were two earthquakes today, both in the New Jersey area, and if the folks over at the Palmer Report are correct, the center of one was quite close to one of Trump’s golf courses. I’m hoping that I’m the first to point out where responsibility lies, though for all I […]

Looking back on a horrible no good year!

I’m sitting here on the First of January, having spent yet another New Years Eve doing nothing, and remembering what a horrible year I had last year, all because, as they’ll tell you on Fox, of Joe Biden, who is personally responsible for anything that goes wrong. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about […]

Today’s rant

I know this is fairly trivial, but I’m having trouble containing my astonishment, so here goes. I’m no longer practicing law, but I do remember how things worked, and I still can’t get over the fact that Ivanka Trump actually found a lawyer willing to argue that she shouldn’t have to obey a subpoena because […]

Is the earth round? Opinions differ!

When I was in college it was a given that the function of a teacher, particularly a science teacher, was to teach the facts. For instance, the earth is an orb, flattened at the poles a bit, but basically round. It was pretty much understood that if a student insisted on maintaining that the earth […]

A low level rant

I get most of my news from various blogs. While they tend to be left of center sort of places, I think I’m fairly good at separating the wheat from the chaff, that is, fact from opinion. It occurred to me a few days ago that one must wonder why certain bloggers have not been […]

Both Siderism to the 10th power

Any regular readers of this blog, should they exist, know that I’m a big fan of Driftglass, who has spent years document bothsiderism and the attendant atrocities. It’s a shame that he isn’t aware of today’s New London Day, which has once again bent over backward to so far to be “fair and balanced” it […]