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Conceding the Frame

Barney Frank sent me an email the other day. He was warning me about a “right-wing, pro-life group”.

It never ceases to amaze me. The Democrats alway seem eager to let the Republicans frame the terms of debate, constantly ceding the rhetorical high ground.

I can understand why the Republicans want to call themselves “pro-life”, but for the life of me I can’t understand why the Democrats, or any group that supports abortion rights, let them get away with it.

I tried to do a little research on Google to find out whether the Republicans return the favor by calling abortion rights advocates “pro-choice”, an appellation that in any event is far less rhetorically appealing than “pro-life”. I didn’t get very far,but did see a surprising number of links to articles in which it was urged that a group should be allowed to call itself whatever it wants, and its wishes should be respected. Bizzarre thinking, when examined just a bit.

In this particular case, we are dealing with a group of people who come with a package of beliefs. These days the right is fairly monolithic. You aren’t a member unless you goose step to one drum. They are not pro-life. They are against providing health insurance to all those babies they insist must be born. That is not pro-life. They are for the death penalty. That is not pro-life. They support every imperial war a Republican president cares to launch. That is not pro-life. They resist every effort to save the planet from the coming global warming catastrophe. That is definitely not pro-life. They are, in fact, for the most part, quite definitely pro-death, providing always that it’s someone else doing the dying. Yet Barney and far too many of his compatriots on the left help them win the PR wars. Truly amazing.

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