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Category Archives: Language

Am I being nit picky?

Very well then I’m being nit picky. (For those who don’t get the reference, I’m riffing off Walt Whitman) To get back to the nits. Crooks and Liars has a post up in which they report on an interview with Nancy Pelosi in which she ably excoriates the stable genius for his latest spewings about […]

Democrats need to take back the English language

A lot of disparate events over the last few days proving yet again that the Republicans have managed to hijack the English language. When they use a word it means exactly what they say it means, and when we use one, it no longer means what it means, unless we have Republican permission. Not only […]

Sometimes the old words are best

I checked my previous posts, and much to my surprise, I have not ranted on this subject before, so here goes. Twitter is all a-twitter today because Ilhan Omar branded Stephen Miller a “white nationalist”. This is sort of like branding me a lapsed Catholic, but what Omar doesn’t seem to understand is that not only […]

This guy’s pretty good

Watch this video at Crooks and Liars of Pete Buttigieg, Mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He’s obviously a long shot, but he’s quite impressive. It has been a pet peeve of mine for years that people in this country throw around the word “socialism” as if we all share a definition of that term, when in […]

What’s in a word?

The word socialism is being bandied about lately. Some of the Democratic presidential candidates are being asked if they’d describe themselves as socialist, and of course, Republicans sling the word around as an all around dismissal of any and all Democratic proposals. It’s a tactic at least as old as the New Deal. Social Security was […]

There’s a word for that

Erik Prince is once more in the news. One must truly wonder about how any given two parents could raise siblings as loathsome as he and Betsy DeVos, but pondering that is for another day. This time he’s been caughttrying to make money by helping China persecute Muslims: But Mr. Prince scrambled on Friday to distance […]

Yet more left wing incivility

Just another example of some white nationalists looking for a little peaceful recreation getting their pleasure ruined by people who are so lacking in civility. Just disgusting that Americans are getting to be no better than the French. Of course you can’t only blame the French; the restaurant owner is an American, and he’s the […]

F**k Civility

A few days ago a restaurant owner told Sarah Huckabee that, all things considered, she wasn’t welcome in her restaurant. The lack of civility on the left is now all the rage. As so many have argued, this is a one way street, for when the Trumpers are absolutely in your face, incivility wise (e.g., “fuck […]

Happy Birthday to a neologism

Little notice. Today is the first birthday of “covfefe”; still awaiting a definition.

Defining our terms

Maggie Haberman is getting a bit of blowback in the twittersphere for her failure to call a lie a lie. You can pick up on the conversation here: Her point, if you can call it that, is that if Trump chooses to believe something he spews, it is not necessarily a lie. It seems […]