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Monthly Archives: November 2008

Betting Update

Many months ago (back in March) I wrote about a bet I made with a friend of mine. I bet that the Democrats would not cut Joe Lieberman loose (by taking away his committee assignments), even if they got 57 or more Senates seats. I lose the bet if he loses his committees, whatever the […]

Let me expand and revise my remarks

In my last post I mentioned that the government is giving trillions to the banks, some of it illegal. I was making reference to two things. First, the treasury has created a host of bailout programs outside of the $700 Billion Congressional giveaway. More egregiously, the Treasury Department has decided that it has the power […]

Where should we spend our borrowed money?

Obama is being pulled in a number of directions. According to the Boston Globe, the Defense Business Board, a government board stocked with business minded civilians, he should cut spending at the Pentagon. This would, by the way, be bad news for Joe Courtney, because according to the Board, submarines are among the wasteful military […]

Whither Joe?

It’s a little difficult to figure out exactly what’s going on so far as Lieberman is concerned. I know some people thing Harry Reid is showing signs of weakness, based on a recent interview with John King, but I’m not so sure. There is apparently a log going on behind the scenes. Some of it’s […]

Friday Night Music-East Village, NYC

I searched youtube for the most appropriate version of this song, for what’s more appropriate this week? This seemed to be the best, a spontaneous version in the streets of New York. [youtube][/youtube]

Post election depression

Prior to elections, readership on political blogs, even backwater blogs like this, spikes. Once the election is over, they plummet. So the sad fact is that not too many people are likely to read this post, and truth be told, I’m out of things to say. I can’t even bring myself to trash Lieberman, which […]

Lieberman must be destroyed

Harry Reid threatened his chairmanship and he’s threatening to go to the dark side. Let him go. He is a bitter, self centered liar. Even if we needed his vote to make 60 caucus members he would not be worth keeping. Once he got waht he wanted, he would immediately turn on the Democrats again. […]

Come drinking

Almost forgot, but don’t you forget. Drinking Liberally, tomorrow night at 6:30. The Bulkeley House in New London, on Bank Street. We’re hoping to have a big crowd. We’ll certainly have plenty to talk about, which, if truth be told, we do more liberally than drink. There’s the past election, in which we can wallow, […]

Random bits from the Campaign

The Daily Show had a great bit to the effect that Sarah Palin and her family were the ultimate grifters. As usual, they got it right. Turns out Sarah spent even more that that $150,000 on clothes, and she was well aware of the spending. It’ll be fun when she and McCain start sniping at […]

Dancing in the Streets

I don’t think my son will mind if I quote from an email he sent about the reaction in Brooklyn last night: Spontaneous street parties erupted all over Brooklyn. It was really quite amazing. People were dancing, beating drums, and chanting “yes we can.” They were randomly hugging each other and waving Obama flags. Black, […]