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Monthly Archives: October 2023

Roots in the past

I think I mentioned in a previous post that I’m proofreading my son’s new book, which is about, in part, the national conversation among politicians and intellectuals just before, during, and shortly after the Civil War. He relates that one strand of thought was to the effect that, after the Civil War, it was necessary […]

A New Speaker!

It appears we have a new speaker, who is every bit as loathsome as Jim Jordan. Apparently the GOP “moderates” are fine with voting for a racist insurrectionist as long as everyone isn’t already aware that he’s a racist insurrectionist. We will soon find out if he’s a fan of blowing up the economy, and […]

Where do we go from here

Like a lot of other Democrats I’ve gotten a kick out of watching the Republicans flail around trying to pick a successor to the hapless McCarthy. There has probably never been anyone seriously considered for Speaker of the House as unqualified as Gym Jordan in the entire history of this country. He, along with so […]

There’s something happening here (maybe)

What it is, ain’t exactly clear, but let me go on. I’m the treasurer for our local town committee, and recently our town chair asked me to prepare spreadsheets to tally the results on election night. She sent me a ballot containing the names of each candidate running for each office. These are local elections, […]

The Bard sums up the situation in Israel

A plague on both your houses!

An oft ranted rant in the liberal blogosphere

You can’t spend much time on the left wing blogosphere without running into a rant like that which follows, but I’m going to do it anyway. It has become increasingly obvious that Donald Trump’s mental illness has become more extreme, exacerbated, no doubt, by oncoming senility. I have not kept up a database of the […]

Just a thought

Now that Matt Gaetz has brought down Kevin McCarthy, there’s a bunch of Republicans in Congress that want to bring down Matt Gaetz, by expelling him. I’m sure Bill Palmer over at the Palmer Report is likely right when he says that “[i]t’s a given that all House Democrats would vote yes” for such an […]