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Monthly Archives: April 2022

The F-Word makes an appearance

It has been apparent for some time that the Republican Party is dominated by people who prefer fascism to democracy. Trump has been fairly up front about it. However, the media has been reluctant (is that the right word, or is “terrified” a better choice?) to drop the F-word in connection with the Republican Party. […]

Another thing Democrats won’t do

I agree with the premise of this post over at Politicus USA, and my purpose here is simply to amplify on it a bit. It appears that Trump is a bit sensitive about perceptions of his intelligence, and he’s stupid enough to use the fact that he passed a test designed to diagnose senility as […]

Both sides are equally bad! Republican edition

Every once in a while you read about one or more Republicans doing the right thing and you get sort of stunned. But then, if you look closer your faith in the party of fascism is fully restored. If they do something right, it will always be for all the wrong reasons. Case in point, […]

It’s Good Friday again, time to look on the bright side

Though I must admit, politically speaking, even the bright side is looking somewhat dim. At this point, I feel I have no choice but to put this up every year. It’s a CTBlue tradition.

No cheers for Lamont

I’m not totally a James Carville fan, but he’s got this right: “If we can’t stand in there for Joe Biden and talk about the great things he’s done, then we don’t deserve to win this election in 2022,” the Democratic strategist said. More at the link. This echoes a complaint I’ve made many times, […]

Logic 101

Now here’s a guy,”chiropractor, acupuncturist, and medical researcher” Bryan Ardis, who has used his brain, almost like Sherlock Holmes, to make a logical deduction from the facts available to him. He has deduced that COVID was developed and injected into the world by the Catholic Church, and his evidence is airtight. He had proven, beyond […]

It doesn’t take Nostradamus to predict this

Well, this is totally unsurprising. Seems that Jared Kushner has been paid handsomely by Saudi Arabia for serving its interests, including covering up a murder. A good discussion about it by Juan Cole here. You have to hand it to Jared. He may have set a record so far as the amount of money that […]

Mike Lindell steps in it again

I’m no longer practicing law, but I still can’t help but feel just a twinge of pity for whatever lawyer is representing Mike Lindell in the various libel suits that have been filed against him. Only a twinge, mind you, because he or she is probably as loathsome as Lindell. The guy just keeps making […]

Who could have guessed?

Some researchers at Stamford and Yale have just announced the results of what purports to be a scientific study. It turns out, shockingly enough, that if people stop watching Fox propaganda, a fair number of them actually start trending toward the rational: Broockman and Kalla recruited a sample of regular Fox News viewers and paid […]