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Monthly Archives: August 2019

Vermont sightseeing

We are on vacation here in Vermont and for that reason I have not been gifting my insights to the world this week, though I have been following the fairly rapid mental decline of that fellow in the White House, as well as the determined efforts of the national Democrats to do what they can […]

It may not be much, but it’s the best we can do

This is rather amazing: If Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani is to be believed, the U.S. State Department aided his efforts to pressure a foreign government to dig up dirt on Trump’s political enemies, according to a report from ABC News on Thursday. Giuliani claimed the State Department put Ukrainian official Andriy Yermak “in contact […]

My most modest proposal to date

The genius is all a-twitterbecause Denmark won’t sell Greenland. Everyone seems to think it’s a crazy idea. Even I did until I started thinking about it, but the more I’ve thought about it, the more I’m sure that it’s time for another Modest Proposal, for I’ve got an idea that I’m sure will gather bi-partisan support […]

Let the Math be With You

Gee, it turns out that appealing to Republicans is not the sure road to successthat establishment Democrats and some Democratic presidential candidates (hint: one rhymes with Ride Em) think it is. Rachel Bitecofer’s prediction on the 2018 “blue wave” was “numerically close to perfect,” writes Paul Rosenberg in an interview for Salon. The assistant director of […]

No one wants what Democratic “moderates” are selling

Arriving in yesterday’s mail, a fundraising letter from Steve Bullock, the envelope emblazoned with this stirring message: I’m the only candidate who’s won a Trump state.I can beat Trump all across America! If you’ve heard of Bullock at all, you no doubt know of him as the man who should be running for the Senate […]

Hey Joe! Listen to Harry

The last time I checked (actually, I never checked, but I’m pretty sure I’m right) Harry Reid is even older than Joe Biden, yet Harry seems fully capable, even in his senescence, of figuring out which way the wind is blowing. He has an Op-Ed piecein this morning’s New York Times advocating for an end to […]

Utterly delusional

We can all agree that the present occupant of the White House is seriously mentally ill, and that he suffers from a mental illness that puts the rest of us at risk. But what does it say about the state of our nation that his possible (we can only hope) successor is also mentally ill, […]

The Gray Lady Retreats and the Democrats attack

This morning a contrast between the Globe and the Times gave me cause to rant. Each ran the same article by Times reporters Michael Crowley and (ugh) Maggie Haberman on their front page. For each it was the headline story. It was about Trump’s pro forma speech about the Trump inspired massacre in El Paso […]

Are the Dems getting a collective spine?

It’s been said that it’s an ill wind that blows nobody good. We’ve been subjected to a lot of ill winds lately, particularly in the last couple of days during which there have been two massacres, at least one of which appears to have been inspired by the monster currently desecrating 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. But […]