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Monthly Archives: January 2019

A common dodge

I was struck by a great example of a common right wing/corporate dodge whilst perusing the editorial page of today’s Boston Globe. It is one I think often goes unnoted, so I’m going to note it here. Massachusett’s governor, Charlie Baker, has proposed a set of laws designed to bring down prescription drug prices for […]

A conversation starter

Looks like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may have started something. As an aside, she sure has made an impression. My auto-complete worked on her last name. 

Beware the law of unintended consequences

Nancy Pelosi is talking about legislation to end shutdowns, the thrust of it being that spending levels would automatically continue at present levels during any period when appropriations were not made. This articlesuggests that’s not such a good idea, and the author (Ian Milhiser) makes a good case. His essential argument is that such a mechanism […]

We haven’t been conned, we’ve been betrayed

There’s an oft repeated trope in the left wing blogosphere that, to the right, conservatism can never fail, it can only be failed. I’d like to suggest a sort of corollary.  In the past few days a number of right wing loonies have attacked Trump’s cave on his wall. Ann Coulter is, yet again, one of […]

Who could have known Roger Stone was actually guilty?

We woke up to the good news (culled from Twitter by my wife) that Roger Stone had been arrested and carted off in the early hours of the morn. I looked for details, as at the time we weren’t sure when, precisely, it had happened. None of my other feeds had any news so I […]

Gaming impeachment

It seems like years ago that a new Congresswoman (was it coincidental she was a person of color) was savaged for saying that Individual-1 should be impeached. Given the disclosures of the past few days, and the near certainty that even more will come out in the near future, it has now become respectable for […]

A soul mate

The guy who wrote this must have been a Red Sox fan during the character building years. I’ve compared the Democrats to the Red Sox of yore, and like us fans of old who can’t quite believe their team can win (or even should….tradition, you know), this Democrat can’t quite get his head around these newfangled Democrats: […]

To impeach or not impeach

There’s been a lot more serious talk about impeachment lately, which makes sense, since there’s been a lot more evidence to support it, though some of that evidence, it seems to me, was a matter of public record before, but we’re revisiting the implications. For instance, I believe it was known before that Trump confiscated […]

Fuzzy math (at least to me)

A new poll, unsurprisingly, finds that Republicans overwhelmingly blame Democrats for the shutdown, despite the fact that Individual-1, before the fact, proudly took ownership of any shutdown. Facts don’t mean much on the dark side. But there’s something that doesn’t seem to compute here. Here are the results:     The percentages given don’t add up […]

Both Siderism to the tenth power

The internet, particularly the twittersphere, is agog over this tweet from ABC News: AP FACT CHECK: Democrats put the blame for the shutdown on Trump. But it takes two to tango. Trump’s demand for $5.7 billion for his border wall is one reason for the budget impasse. The Democrats refusal to approve the money is […]