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Monthly Archives: September 2021

A Must (not) read

Apparently, writing tell all books about the disaster that was the Former Guy is quite the cottage industry. Latest practitioner is Stephanie Grisham, herself a disaster as press secretary, at which job she held precisely 0 press conferences in the course of about nine months at the job, leaving only in the middle of an […]

A tale of bumbling fraudsters

Well, honestly, this is something I did not see coming. It seems the “auditors” in Arizona have determined that Joe Biden did in fact win the electoral votes of that state, and that, in fact, he got 360 more votes than the official tally gave him. I should add that while I used the term […]

Not the Onion

A fairly frequent occurrence. As I scroll through the unread folder on my RSS reader, I come upon a post whose title is both totally absurd, and given the current state of this nation, weirdly believable. Often, but not always, it turns out to be the Onion. And while that is a sure sign that […]

Picking nits

I agree with the thrust of this Op-ed in the Washington Post (behind a paywall, for the most part), the gist of which I read over at Lawyers, Guns and Money. The authors, Leana Wen and Sam Wang, argue that there is no distinction between drunk driving and going out in public unvaccinated. If you […]

Yet another modest proposal

Just read this post in which it is related that Joe Manchin sort of denied that he has regular meetings with oil lobbyists, as AOC has charged. The likelihood is that he was lying, or to be kind, stretching the truth farther than Gumby ever attempted to stretch. Lobbyists have to register. Wouldn’t it make […]

It was 20 years ago today…

Anyone who lived through it will never forget where they were when they first heard the news, or what they were doing. I remember that my office shut down because as what had happened sunk in, people sort of went into a state of shock and just left. It was, as Paul Krugman pointed out […]

A curmudgeon curmudgeons

Is it just me? Am I the only one infuriated by this sort of thing? Today, yet again I read about a anti-vax idiot responsible for the death of someone who could not protect themself: Another infuriating story about the unvaccinated harming those around them. Or at least this is what this looks like. Little […]

An easy prediction

According to the Boston Globe, experts are mixed about the ultimate fate of Roe v. Wade. Generally, speaking, that’s the treatment the latest travesty is getting from the media. It’s strange how often experts can’t see the obvious. There are two possible fates for Roe. The Court may outright reverse itself, and even go so […]