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Monthly Archives: March 2019

The genius plots strategy

Trump is apparently planning to campaign in 2020 by trumpeting the Barr letter, which no one other than the brain dead (fortunately still not a majority in the country) accepts as valid. A reliable barometer of Trump’s moods, Giuliani offered a glimpse into the future. Mueller might be done with his investigation, but Trump and company are […]

Democrats are their own worst enemy

A friend sent me a link to this articleat the Intercept, in which a political consultant claims she was blackballed by the DCCC because she was helping Democratic primary challengers. I wrote back that although it was believable, I’d withhold judgment, given Fox Democrat Glenn Greenwald’s role at the Intercept, until I got verification elsewhere. It […]

Religion Lesson

This has nothing to do with politics. I’ve mentioned before that I have an advanced degree in theology, courtesy of the nuns at the aptly named Our Lady of Sorrows Grammar school. But recently I discovered a shocking deficit in my theological knowledge. That deficit has been corrected, and I feel obligated to both confess […]

You can stop if you’ve read this same rant elsewhere

I realize that everything I’m about to say has been said ad nauseum, but inasmuch as this is my blog and no one has to read it if they don’t want, I will proceed to vent. First, lets stipulate that when people read newspapers, they often just scan the headlines, or read the first couple […]

This guy’s pretty good

Watch this video at Crooks and Liars of Pete Buttigieg, Mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He’s obviously a long shot, but he’s quite impressive. It has been a pet peeve of mine for years that people in this country throw around the word “socialism” as if we all share a definition of that term, when in […]

Pundit amnesia syndrome

Every Tuesday and Friday I religiously check out the op-ed page at the New York Times to peruse Paul Krugman’s latest. I’m not sure if David Brooks always runs on those days as well, but if he is I also check out the title to his latest, groan, and make a mental note read the […]

Latest rant

This is not going to be a post about the genius’s tone deaf but honest reaction to the killings in New Zealand. That’s been massively covered elsewhere, but I’ll note, as it is somewhat germane to this post, that his racist reaction is eliciting, at least here in the U.S., the now familiar “Trump being […]

What if Obama had done this, part (insert high number here)

As Driftglass is wont to say, “it’s a funny old world”.  As all of the internet knows, the genius recently referred to Apple CEO Tim Cook as “Tim Apple”. He is now busily lying about the fact, first claiming he said “Tim Cook of Apple”, a lie even his corrupt donors couldn’t swallow. Then he changed his […]

We’re all fraudsters on this bus

This isn’t a political post, per se, but it raises a question that has some bearing on our present plight, considering that the person occupying the White House built a career based on fraud, much of which involved misrepresenting his own abilities. I ran across this articleon ProPublica. It’s titled I’m a Journalist. Apparently I’m also one […]

Some revisionist history

I have to admit that I’ve always felt the Clinton impeachment backfired on the Republicans, but Philippe Reines, a former Hillary Spokesperson, makes a trenchant case that it was not: The other thing that drives me crazy is this notion that the…Republicans suffered for impeachment in ’98. I’m not sure what that what that means. […]