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Monthly Archives: November 2012

Election Day Musings

I’m still a bit groggy, having had only four hours of sleep last night, but as an amateur self-appointed pundit I feel it my solemn duty to get my reactions to last night’s events on record, for the edification and education of the non-pundits of the world. I freely confess that in my stupefied state, […]

Listen to Sir Paul

So my wife finds these things and I uncurl from my mental fetal position and post them. The night before an election is sort of like the night before Christmas in reverse.

One more day

..and if there is any justice we will never see this man’s face again.

Tea Leaves

From Talking Points Memo: Connecticut Republican Senate nominee Linda McMahon has been telling voters lately that it’s okay to vote for President Obama as well as her. Now she’s taking it a step further — and getting about as far away from her own party’s nominee for president as she can — and actually urging […]

Friday Night Music-A reprise

When this song first came out I wrote that it was an “anthem ready made for the Obama campaign, if they have the smarts to use it, and if Bruce lets them.” Well they did, and apparently he did. Nate says Obama’s climbed past 80% and I want to believe part of the reason is […]

They’re only in it for the money

It recently occured to me that I’m not aware of a single race in which big money appears poised to buy or defeat a politician that would not otherwise have been elected. There’s probably an election somewhere in which the forces of evil will tip the election, but the impact so far looks to be […]

A modest proposal

My current audiobook is My Life, a biographical interview of Fidel Castro. I have a lot more respect for the man now, but that’s not the point of this post. At one point during the interview he talks about a rumor that was spread after the Cuban revolution, to the effect that the new government […]