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Daily Archives: July 13th, 2007

Friday night music

Neil Young makes a suggestion: [youtube][/youtube] The video is more than a year old, so many of Bush’s impeachable offenses still lay before him.

All we need is Common Sense

A few days I argued that the Democrats could appeal to the visceral emotions of voters, as Drew Westen advocates and still make reasoned arguments. The two aren’t mutually exclusive, for there’s nothing that says you can’t make an impassioned argument that is consistent with reason. I’m listening to a biography of Tom Paine these […]

Outrage fatigue closing in on the tax front-what else is new

Life is tough for pundits like Paul Krugman. Yesterday’s outrage seems mild by comparison with today’s. If you write your column a day or two ahead of deadline you risk writing about yesterday’s scandal. Case in point, today Krugman takes the Democrats to task for slowly walking away from mandating fair taxation of hedge fund […]