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Daily Archives: May 14th, 2008

New Sullivan team gets off to great start

More incompetence in the Sullivan campaign. Sullivan’s new team issued a press release accusing Joe Courtney of having failing to take the lead on a recently passed amendment that speeds up funding for submarine construction. The full story is at the link, but Gabe at Connecticut Local Politics sums the release up this way: The […]


The Republicans have a playbook that has become all too familiar. For many of their tricks to work, they need a compliant, and sometimes, a cooperative press. Eight years ago they claimed that Al Gore said he had invented the internet. Gore never said that, but the press repeated the charge, accepted it as true, […]

The cross we must bear: the Blue Dog “Democrats”

If consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, then we have some extremely big minds in the Democratic party, all residing in the heads of the “Blue Dog Democrats”, who make a habit of stabbing their party in the back. Senator Jim Webb has been trying to pass a bill guaranteeing reasonable benefits, including updated […]