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Daily Archives: September 4th, 2010

Congressional progressives take a pre-emptive stand

The Progressive Caucus is about to let President Obama know that they won’t co-operate if his phony deficit commission tries to gut social security: Democrats led by Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chair Raul Grijalva are drawing a line in the sand before the White House’s fiscal commission: If your report recommends cuts or other changes to […]

Another Southern Bumper Sticker

Personally vouched for by my brother in law: Embrace Violence

Incredible pictures

This has nothing to do with politics, or the many other subjects upon which I pontificate, but I just had to pass on some of the pictures posted at Why Evolution is True, by a photographer named Igor Siwanowicz. These are stunning examples of evolution producing animals or insects that mimic their surroundings. Here’s a […]