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Daily Archives: January 28th, 2011

Friday Night Music

To the people of Egypt. Here’s hoping that they come out of this with something better than they’ve got now. I realize, by the way, that the word “crusade” is problematic, but you can’t have everything. It’s a wonderful song.

Friday Night Music

Back in the early 80s, my wife and I went through a period when we watched a lot of MTV. Those were the days when they actually played music videos, with VeeJays and everything. One performer we saw a lot of was Cindi Lauper. I’ve often wondered what happened to her. It seems she’s still […]

Democrats preserve the filibuster

If you were interested in knowing how interested Senate Democrats are in actually governing, you now have your answer: not very. I’ve said before (too lazy to find a link) that we would know whether the Democrats had any serious intentions to accomplish anything by whether or not they did anything substantive about the filibuster. […]