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Monthly Archives: February 2011

Heads they win, tails we lose

I understand that Jon Stewart has compared the Wisconsin situation to the Bizarro World in Superman, with the protestors being the Bizarro World equivalent of the tea party folks. Superficial, but ultimately wrong, beginning with the fact that the folks in Wisconsin have reality based grievances. But there is a kernel of truth in his […]

Friday Night Music: Leningrad Cowboys & Russian Red Army Choir

Sometimes, in my quest to fill this slot, I stumble on stuff that just makes me feel good. I found this video several weeks ago, but the version I found had embedding disabled. This may be a different performance, but it’s the same song. A Finnish Rock band teams with the Russian Red Army Choir […]

Gud Wryting at the Dey

Punditry can be a demanding avocation. Today, for instance, I tried to pen something about Glenn Beck, Wisconsin, the Koch Brothers, and the infinite capacity of American’s to be deluded into voting for their own oppressors, but it just didn’t come together. All that work, and nothing to show. The article will remain forever embedded […]

We are all Badgers!

It is not my fault that we must make common cause, at least emotionally, with a state that chose to adopt the badger as its mascot, but the contingencies of history cannot be controlled. Those folks demonstrating in the streets of Madison also cannot be blamed for a decision made long ago, though many of […]

I stand 100% for English only politics

At the last Drinking Liberally get together I was expounding on an observation I’ve made before about Republican Presidents I can personally recall. That is, those that lived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue while I have breathed the air of this dying earth. I have observed that, over time, each Republican President makes his or her […]

Bringing back Paradise

Life was good for the plutocrats at the turn of the last century, and the Republicans are working their butts off to bring back the good times. Missouri State Sen. Jane Cunningham is no slacker. Here’s her official summary for a bill she’s recently introduced in the Missouri State Senate to bring back our second […]

Once again, the money flows toward the stupid

Connecticut News Junkie points us to an on-line debate between liberal Jonathan Pelto (read his post here) and conservative Heath Fahle (I don’t link to conservatives) about Sustinet, a health care initiative championed by Connecticut Democrats, with our own Betsy Ritter, of Drinking Liberally, very much in the forefront. It promises to enable Connecticut to […]

Editorial Judgments

Herbert Ross of Lyme wrote an excellent letter to the Day, taking issue with its decision to run a blatantly misleading editorial cartoon. The cartoon asserted, against all the evidence, that the Social Security trust fund was going bankrupt. Mr. Ross asks that the Day explain the way the it makes it editorial decisions regarding […]

Friday Night Music

I tried to think of the most appropriate song to celebrate Mubarak’s departure. Given the situation, I thought this was the best choice:

Rightward drift

The essential difference between Democrats and Republicans, and the reason why this country drifts ever rightward, no matter who is in nominal control of the government: Steve Benen wonders who is in charge of the Republican caucus, as the (comparative) grownups, the supposed leaders (Boehner, Cantor and their ilk) have been unable to corral the […]