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Can’t buy her love

Well, it looks like Linda has peaked and Blumenthal is pulling away. At this point, it seems unlikely that any new attacks will do much good; the folks who were susceptible to them have already been won or lost. One must wonder whether there will come a point when Linda will stop throwing her money around quite so freely. After all, even for her, a million dollars here, a million there, it really starts to add up. My bet is she’ll keep on slogging. The dirt will keep coming, but there’s a real air of desperation about it now.

In any event, it appears that there are limits to what money can do.

It’s always been my belief that Linda is not interested in politics. During the debate that I watched, it seemed that she was rather bored, repeated her talking points sort of listlessly, and had no real interest in policy. She is not a true believer; no Joe Miller she. She doesn’t want to destroy the government, or improve it. Had the circumstances been different, she would have been happy to run as a Democrat. Policy is beside the point. She was interested in buying a Senate seat for much the same reason some folks buy English titles. She is and always will be just another grifter in this year of the grifter, and she figured buying her way into the Senate would confer respectability and prestige.

Money can buy a lot of things, and had things turned out differently (and who knows, they still might) Linda might well have been our next Senator, despite the fact that she doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the state or the people in it. But all things being close to equal, money’s not enough. If you’re unable to forge any connection with voters, if you project complete indifference about them, and if you make it clear that you are going to get their votes by buying them, a surprisingly large number of those voters will turn away from you, particularly if you also inundate their mail boxes with trash. Money can buy a lot of things, but it can’t buy love, and for Linda, it turns out that it can’t buy prestige or respectability.

A glimmer of hope in a world gone mad.

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