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Final Days

Last month, when I stated my objections to the Stewart event (objections to which I adhere), I somewhat sanctimoniously stated that I would be here actually trying to restore sanity. At the time, I felt I was being a tad dishonest. Truth to tell, I don’t take to most of the nuts and bolts work of Senate campaign. Ever since I was a lad I’ve had an aversion to the telephone, so making calls is not something I can bring myself to do. Luckily, there is something I can do: use a computer. So I’ve spent this weekend inputting data compiled by all the other people making phone calls. Drudgery pure and simple, but at least now I’ve made an honest man of myself.

We here in Groton have put in yeoman’s work. The phone calls have been legion, and people are hitting the streets doing door to door canvassing. There’s no question we’re outworking the Republicans. We can only hope all the work pays off.

My wife bullied the crew into posing for a picture this afternoon. To the extreme right, geographically if certainly not politically, is Dana Nestor, this year’s field coordinator, who has had the unenviable task of pulling it all together, and living up to his legendary predecessors, who include Jason Gross, Joe Courtney’s chief of staff, and Walter Kerr, who is now working at the State Department. He has, by the way, done a great job dealing with a range of, let us say, unique personalities.

The folks in the picture represent only a fraction of the people who’ve worked over the weekend. All told, they’ve made a huge number of phone calls (we’re told that yesterday we topped any other location in the state), knocked on numerous doors, planted signs, etc.

If we do restore sanity in this country, or even preserve it in the small pockets in which it continues to exist, it’s folks like these that will be able to take the credit, not John Stewart.

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