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State of the Nation

The Holidays (or at least the Christmas part) are officially over at the CTBlue household; our last guest having departed this morning. Time for me to ease back into the world of blogging, spreading the gift of my punditry far and wide, like Santa spreading presents, or Republicans spreading lies.

So I take this opportunity to start again, by sharing something my wife found at a Northampton bookstore yesterday. Now, I have been known to be somewhat critical of our current president, but I think it only fair to acknowledge that this postcard accurately depicts the country that somehow managed to elect him president, and with which he must deal each and every day:

So, we must acknowledge that the Dumbfuckistanis do make it difficult to govern, though pandering to them doesn’t seem to help.

This postcard engendered some debate at our household this morning as to the extent to which we here in America should aggressively point out to the citizens of our neighboring country exactly what dumb fucks the majority of them really are. My position is that we should be as aggressive at calling out their ignorance as they are about heaping scorn on us. I acknowledge, of course, that there are pockets of blue in all that red, but that doesn’t change the facts on the ground much. I also acknowledge that parts of Dumbfuckistan, such as Ohio and (I know it sounds crazy) Texas are primed to flip. We shall welcome them when they do, but until that happy time, we must both fear and loathe them.

The Mencken quote, by the way, should give those of us hoping for a Palin nomination, some pause. She may be just the moron America has been waiting for.

The flip side of the postcard suggests that the founding principle of Dumbfuckistan is not hard of find.

Somewhat unfair to the Western states, since we hadn’t finished slaughtering the Indians there, so they hadn’t really had a chance to weigh in on the slavery issue. Still, for the rest of the country, it certainly appears that racism and stupidity go hand in hand.

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