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The plutocrats are flaunting it

Remember when John Kerry was caricatured as an out of touch elitist when he went windsurfing? And the press ran with it. One must wonder if we will hear more about this, or whether it will sink beneath the waves:

Gov. Mitt Romney’s campaign toasted its top donors Wednesday aboard a 150-foot yacht flying the flag of the Cayman Islands.

The floating party, hosted by a Florida developer on his yacht “Cracker Bay”, was one of a dozen exclusive events meant to nurture those who have raised more than $1 million for Romney’s bid.

(via ABC News)

I must credit Brad DeLong, from whom I have shamelessly stolen the gist of this post. If this were a tweet, it would be a re-tweet. My only defense is that I think this is a story that should get as wide a circulation as possible.

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