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Is that all she’s got?

Linda McMahon says that she is talking about the issues. Make that issue. No need for that troublesome “s”. And what is the issue? The fact that Chris Murphy got a mortgage with which only Linda McMahon has been able to perceive a problem.

This is emblematic of the ideological bankruptcy of the modern Republican Party. If they tell people what they really want to do, nobody will vote for them. So they talk about irrelevancies, and when necessary, they just lie.

Here’s a sign that I saw yesterday on the front of the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Kennebunkport, Maine. We in Groton have a similar sign. Ours is not quite as big, though I think it’s more complete.

Now, ask yourself, if you were a Republican, what would you put on that sign? I mean would “Freed the slaves, but we’re the party of the ’angry white man now’” really be a big vote-getter?

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