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My fashion sense appreciated

We all get emails and all of us get spam, which may be a good thing, as it might make it harder for the NSA to get at the interesting stuff. And then there’s the stuff that’s betwixt and between. I mean I really hoped, as I began reading a recent email, that I had been discovered and appreciated, but as I read on I began to doubt it:


My name is Sam Bell and I am the Media Director of Cityblis.

My team and I have looked at your blog and we would like to give you exclusive access to our new media content database on the Cityblis platform called the Cityblis Media Center.

The Cityblis Media Center is front row access for media professionals such as yourself in the fashion and design industry. We curate thousands of independent designers from over 50 countries, giving you exclusives on their collections, trends, images, videos, press releases, event invitations, launch parties, media content and samples.

There are two possibilities here. Well, actually three. Starting with the most probable: 1) Sam and his team haven’t really been reading my blog; 2) Sam and his team have a serious problem with reading comprehension; or 3) I have been unwittingly writing in some secret code known only to the members of the “fashion and design industry”.

But still, this may be my big chance to break into the big time. Some of my readers know me, and can vouch for the fact that when it comes to sartorial elegance, I am at a level all my own. Scarcely a decade goes by that I don’t buy a new suit. So, what think any of you that read this blog? Should I start insightfully reviewing the latest fashion trends, now that I have the chance to get exclusives on collections, trends, images, videos, press releases, event invitations, launch parties, media content and samples? Maybe I can give out prizes, like tickets to launch parties.

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