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They really will never learn

I've made it clear that I'm not excited about the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency. It's not at all clear the country can survive four to eight years of rule by Wall Street. Since, when all is said and done, the Street owns both parties, it might even be better for the country if a Republican won in 2016, so he (it won't be a she) can take the blame for the next crash. assuming it doesn't happen on Obama's watch.

Getting back to my point, (and I am getting there), I also believe Hillary is beatable, simply because there is a great chance that many people will feel that on the larger issues such as inequality, Wall Street kowtowing, etc.; she is no better than the alternative and they just might not vote.

All that being said, I'm a realist, and I personally will hold my nose and vote for her if vote I must. So assuming it is my possible fate to check her name on my ballot, it is good to see that the Republicans have apparently settled on an anti-Hillary strategy certain to blow up in their faces: attacking Bill Clinton and the “Clinton” brand; you know, that guy who got blow jobs in the White House.

This strategy is bound to fail for a couple of very good reasons. Living in a self created bubble as they do, Republicans are incapable of realizing that most people (justifiably or not, see repeal of Glass-Steagall) have good memories of the Clinton years. He is not perceived as a monster; if anything, he is the last president that presided over a sustained period of peace and prosperity (faux prosperity in some respects, but few people know that). Asking people if they want four more years of Clintons may not be such a good idea; given the alternatives, most people will say yes. There's another reason this won't work. The Republicans have taken their shots at the Clintons, and missed every time. The country as a whole has been inoculated against anti-Clinton rants. Those who are going to believe them are already convinced; everyone else merely shuts them out. It's a case of the party that cried wolf, over and over and over again. No one listens anymore. They got nowhere with Lewinsky; nowhere with Whitewater, nowhere with Benghazi. But just as they will never believe that people are signing up for Obamacare, they will never believe that people aren't outraged at the Clintons. They have bought into their own narrative, and are incapable of seeing that no one else has. It's one of HIllary's strenghs, actually. If someone new came along, the Republicans could define that person; but Hillary is proof against that.

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