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Editor wanted

I have noted in the past that whoever writes the titles for the articles in the New London Day has a rightwing bent, as the titles often give a conservative cast to articles that turn out to not quite say what the title implies. Whoever this mystery person is (and I admit I could be imagining things. No, I’m not), he or she sort of goofed up today. Try to figure out what this means:

Royals help lay to rest comeback King Richard III

I’ve been trying to puzzle it out, but it eludes me, even after reading the article.  (I couldn’t find the article on line.) I think maybe it means that the royal family in England participated in Richard’s recent reburial, and the “comeback” refers to some historical revisionism, there being the possibility that Shakespeare’s great play did the man a disservice. If that’s what the title means, it’s odd, because the royals (at least the queen) kept her distance.

Speaking of King Richard, I’ve read stuff on both sides of the controversy (monster or not-monster?) and I’ve come to the conclusion that a skeptical agnosticism is the proper position to take. History is written by the winners, after all. 

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