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A tiny point of light

George the first promised a thousand of them, but they never seem to have appeared. However, there’s one point of light about this story, documenting some shady corporate entities funneling money into Jeb! Bush’s PAC:

In February, a limited liability company called TH Holdings LLC donated $100,000 to Right to Rise, the super-PAC supporting Jeb Bush’s bid for the GOP presidential nomination. That’s not extraordinary; quite a few LLCs have donated to the super-PAC, which has so far raised more than $103 million. But TH Holdings is a special caseā€”one that represents the worst-case scenario in the post-Citizens United campaign finance landscape: untraceable corporations shoveling untraceable cash into the political system. Beyond this six-figure contribution, the company appears to have no history of doing business anywhere. And its incorporation records reveal no owners, managers, or officers.

The article goes on to detail a number of other examples of shadow corporations donating money to the Bush campaign.

So where’s the point of light? Well, at least so far as the examples cited in this article, the money is all going to Jeb!, which means it might as well have been flushed down the toilet. He’s going nowhere. If Trump doesn’t get it, it will be Cruz, who may very well be getting dark money contributions of his own. But these days, you take your points of light where you can get them.

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