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Impeachable Offense #3

The fact is that I still can’t face reading the news or my blogs on a regular basis, so I’ve probably missed about ten more, but this, if true, certainly constitutes an impeachable offense by any reasonable standard:

Of course, none of this stuff will ever be investigated, but I’d put the chances as slim to none that the dumper was anyone other than a Trump insider, if not the Donald himself. It’s an abuse of the office, even though he is not yet sworn in, and we can only expect things to get worse when he is.

There is one faint hope, I think. I see today that McCain and Graham are calling for an investigation into the Russian election hacking. Trump is a big enough dick that he might end up pissing off enough Republican senators so that the Senate might serve as some sort of firewall. A faint hope, but still a hope.

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