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Category Archives: Democrats

I think I already know the answer to this question

The DSCC has put its finger on the scale in Democratic Senate races, though perhaps not so brazenly as the DCCC has in House races. Incumbent protection, particularly when the incumbent in question is a DINO, is the order of the day. I have been wondering where Chuck Schumer’s finger has been in the current Senate primary […]

Let the Math be With You

Gee, it turns out that appealing to Republicans is not the sure road to successthat establishment Democrats and some Democratic presidential candidates (hint: one rhymes with Ride Em) think it is. Rachel Bitecofer’s prediction on the 2018 “blue wave” was “numerically close to perfect,” writes Paul Rosenberg in an interview for Salon. The assistant director of […]

No one wants what Democratic “moderates” are selling

Arriving in yesterday’s mail, a fundraising letter from Steve Bullock, the envelope emblazoned with this stirring message: I’m the only candidate who’s won a Trump state.I can beat Trump all across America! If you’ve heard of Bullock at all, you no doubt know of him as the man who should be running for the Senate […]

The Gray Lady Retreats and the Democrats attack

This morning a contrast between the Globe and the Times gave me cause to rant. Each ran the same article by Times reporters Michael Crowley and (ugh) Maggie Haberman on their front page. For each it was the headline story. It was about Trump’s pro forma speech about the Trump inspired massacre in El Paso […]

Are the Dems getting a collective spine?

It’s been said that it’s an ill wind that blows nobody good. We’ve been subjected to a lot of ill winds lately, particularly in the last couple of days during which there have been two massacres, at least one of which appears to have been inspired by the monster currently desecrating 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. But […]

Chaos at the DCCC

I get calls from the DCCC on almost a weekly basis. Like a lot of other scam callers, they use phone numbers that are allegedly from towns near me. The last one was (supposedly) from Canton, I believe. I never give, because since the days of Rahm Emmanuel and even before that, they have favored […]

The Democrats do something right

I drafted this yesterday, but never put it up. I’ll preface it by saying that I see today that it looks like the Dems may be getting their act together on the propaganda front. Yesterday the Democrats in the House did something right. They voted to reinstitute net neutrality, which the Trump appointed telecom industries stooges at […]

Say it’s no go, Joe

It isn’t often that a pundit (Krugman aside) hits the nail on the head, but Michelle Goldberg column about Joe Biden hit a homer in this mornings Times. Biden has been the subject of a couple of recent accusations of inappropriate conduct toward women. Not exactly sexual harassment, more like the exact kind of conduct […]

Democrats are their own worst enemy

A friend sent me a link to this articleat the Intercept, in which a political consultant claims she was blackballed by the DCCC because she was helping Democratic primary challengers. I wrote back that although it was believable, I’d withhold judgment, given Fox Democrat Glenn Greenwald’s role at the Intercept, until I got verification elsewhere. It […]

Dems ready to disgrace themselves again

Back in the olden days, way way back around 2007, the Democrats cravenly joined Republicans in voting for a resolution denouncing MoveOn for daring to criticize General David Petreaus. They had to demonstrate something, the First Amendment and truth be damned. It was never clear what they expected to gain by condemning their base. The […]