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Chaos at the DCCC

I get calls from the DCCC on almost a weekly basis. Like a lot of other scam callers, they use phone numbers that are allegedly from towns near me. The last one was (supposedly) from Canton, I believe. I never give, because since the days of Rahm Emmanuel and even before that, they have favored right wing DINOs over actual Democrats. If anything, it’s gotten worse under Cheri Bustos. Wander around the posts over at Down with Tyrannyfor details.

Seems like the DCCC is in disarray, and there’s always the slim hope that Pelosi will step in and hand it over to some actual Democrats (don’t hold your breath):

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) saw a mass departure of senior staff late Monday amid outcry over the lack of diversity within the committee’s top ranks under Chairwoman Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.).

Communications director Jared Smith, political director Molly Ritner, deputy executive director Nick Pancrazio, top communications aide Melissa Miller and the committee’s diversity director Van Ornelas all resigned by Monday evening.

The exits come on the heels of the resignation of the committee’s executive director, Allison Jaslow, which she announced at an all-staff meeting earlier on Monday.

Jaslow’s exit followed complaints about the lack of diversity in the senior management positions from Reps. Vicente Gonzalez (D-Texas) and Filemon Vela (D-Texas).

Gonzalez and Vela said in a statement Sunday that the committee was in “complete chaos.”

Bustos returned to Washington on Monday despite the August recess to deal with the growing outcry from black and Latino lawmakers over diversity.

The episode underscores the level of discontent with Bustos throughout the House Democratic ranks. According to one House Democrat, Bustos made promises to lawmakers of all stripes in her bid to take the reins from Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) and those competing pledges are a major reason for the fallout she and the committee are experiencing only seven months after she took over as chair.

Under Bustos and her predecessors the DCCC has taken sides against Democrats in favor of DINOs in primaries involving open seats or seats held by Democrats. Recently the DCCC threatened to steer business away from any consultant who worked for a primary challenger, a move meant especially to protect uber DINO Dan Lipinski from a challenge by Marie Newman, who almost beat him two years ago. Lipinski, who inherited his seat from his equally reprehensible father, represents a deep blue Chicago district but votes deep red.

I guess it’s good that some people at the DCCC think there should be more diversity there. Personally, I think the primary focus should be on getting more Democrats.

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