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Horrible Democrat to take on mediocre Democrat?

Harold Ford, former head of the DLC, is thinking of running against Kirsten Gillibrand for the Democratic Senate nomination in New York Progressive types have been lukewarm about Gillibrand, but if anyone can turn their grudging acceptance into passionate ardor, it’s Harold Ford.

Today’s front page NY Times article, whether intentionally or not, outs this human chameleon, this tool of Wall Street, this friend of the plutocrats for what he is. Giants or Jets fan? He’s just not sure, he’s good buddies with the owners of both teams, and he can’t choose between them. Ever been to Queens? But of course, my helicopter landed there one time, though I didn’t get out. Regular guy? Sure, just a regular Joe who grabs a quick breakfast every day at the Regency Hotel, gets a pedicure, and then goes to his million dollar a year job at bailed out Merrill Lynch. Those anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-worker, anti-every Democratic values positions he took in Tennessee? Why he never said any of those things and if he did, he didn’t’ mean them, and if he meant them, he’s changed his mind, and will be willing to change it again, by the way, if it looks like a good idea.

The commercials Linda McMahon’s media guy ran against Ford had to be among the top 10 slime jobs in the history of U.S. politics, which only goes to prove that sometimes, contrary to what we’re often told, bad things happen to bad people.

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